Six Words — The Sum of Me
I’m borrowing an idea from one of my favorite agent blogs. On August 22, Rachelle Gardner asked her readers to submit memoirs of six words. Yes, that’s correct. Six words. She’s received a whopping 212 responses and they keep coming in.
At first glance you’d think the assignment was next to impossible. We’re known for using lots of words to describe who we are, what we feel, where we’ve been, where we’re going. The genius of this exercise is in its simplicity. Once you strip away all the garbage (i.e., memories, hurts, fears, regrets), you’re faced with the core essence of who you are. You may come up with a few different six-word combinations – and that’s okay. Keep going back to the one that resonates.
Please post your six-word memoir here. It’s a great exercise to get you thinking about what’s important and true in your life. Plus I’d love to get to know you in this meaningful way.
Here’s mine: Workaholic saved by mountains and writing.
If you’re curious, check out Rachelle’s blog and the many memoirs posted there.
Always trying to outdo Martha Stewart
Hmm, this is hard. How about:
A mountain girl with urban sensibilities.
Next time, how about a Haiku?
Editor finds fulfillment as single mom.
Happy wife, mom, loves learning everything.
Very strong Army wife and mother.
Skateboarding father/husband. Distracted creative genius.
mother, wife, photographer, scouting, fulfilling dreams.
Along the way, I’ve lost “me”.
Mother with young children needs excitement.
Stop staring; I’m working on it!
Creating, Loving, and Laughing through motherhood.
parent, lover, philosopher, mystic, physician, writer…
“Skin-wrapped tidal wave of music”
A Bobblehead wobbling, yet always grinning.
Share your short memoirs at
Hi Mandy,
This is Alyssa from SMITH Magazine, the creator of the six-word memoir project. I’m impressed with the large number of writers Rachelle has inspired, including yourself. I invite you and your readers to submit your memoirs to our site and have the chance to be published in an upcoming SMITH book.
Alyssa, SMITH intern
Fully loving, openhearted woman happily living.