
Laughter, Pinot Grigio and a Quick Trip Back to the Happy Place

On Monday (deflated balloon day), I decided to go out to happy hour with friends. It’s amazing what a little sunshine, Pinot Grigio and laughter can do to wash away the mully-gullies.

However, I think it’s going to take a lot more than Pinot Grigio to ride out the querying process. Novelists can say they’re prepared for rejection – and lots of it – but it’s a different story when the form rejections start pouring in.

I guess it doesn’t help that my naturopath and I are trying to regulate my hormones, or that I’ve been listening to every sad song ever written. If I’m going to be blue, then bring it on in a big way. Those vanilla faux Oreos on sale at City Market aren’t helping things either.

What has helped a teensy bit is a blog I found today called Literary Rejections on Display. (The subtitle is Join the Revolution, Join the Pity Party.) Ahhh, I don’t feel so alone anymore. It’s one thing to know others are going through what I’m going through; it’s another thing altogether to read the rejections others are receiving and to laugh alongside them over the misery we’ve brought upon ourselves.

The blog also features those “good news” stories writers always want to hear about. They keep us going more than Pinot and vanilla sandwich cookies.

Nearly 60 agents turned down Kathryn Stockett’s debut novel “The Help” before publisher Amy Einhorn picked it up in 2007. The book has sold more than 800,000 copies and is now being made into a major motion picture. Way to go, Kathryn!

Another thing that’s helped as much as Pinot and sugar is reaching out to my sister, Tessa, who’s been my biggest supporter. This from her in an email today:
Now get back to that “HAPPY PLACE” in your head the way it was the week you completed your book!!!!! Don’t make me have to come all the way to Durango to kick your ass. :0 ( meant with much love. )

Headed to the Happy Place now, Tessa. Thanks!

3 Responses

  1. Congrats, Mandy. Sounds like you’re in a really powerful place. It occurs to me that I might rather prefer an outright letter of rejection (proof that at least someone has checked out my labor of love), rather than to release an album or song and have it completely and utterly… ignored. If every so-called letter of rejection carries with it the implicit message, “I’ve read your work!”, then there’s success even in that.
    PS–will you still include me on your e-mail list when you’re famous?

  2. Congratulations Mandy. It doesn’t surprise that you have added writing novels to your extensive resume. Your energy is remarkable. As a writer I know how difficult it is to have quality time to write while working. But you did that along with all your other activities.


  3. Anonymous


    Even in your “funk” you managed to convey some humor in your writing. Loved to laugh WITH you. I have no doubt that you will persevere and eventually claim victory. Just know that on those days when the perseverance is challenging…I will be happy to meet you for Pinot Grigio, chocolate and laughter through our tears.

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